Energy Dollars in the Attic

Written by CPS Energy SaveNow Team | Oct 13, 2017 5:19:21 PM

While often forgotten, the coldest part of your home in the winter – and the hottest area in the summer – is the attic. Which means attic insulation plays a big role in keeping you comfortable all year long. But, attic insulation does more than just provide comfort. Here are the other benefits to a properly insulated attic:

Reduce your energy usage
Because insulation keeps your home cooler in the summer and warmer  in the winter, your HVAC system doesn’t need to work as hard – which means lower energy use. 

Improved air quality
Old insulation that has been exposed to moisture over the years can become a breeding ground for mold and other toxins. You can stop the moisture cycle by replacing your insulation.

Increased home value
Like most home upgrades, a home that features new attic insulation can attract buyers for the comfort, energy-savings and air quality it provides.

Interested in improving your home’s attic insulation?
CPS Energy can help make the project more affordable with rebates from our Home Energy Rebates Program. Install it yourself and receive a rebate of $0.25 per square foot, or work with a contractor and receive an incentive of $0.35 per square foot.