Benefits of Insulation During Warmer Weather

Written by CPS Energy SaveNow Team | Apr 25, 2018 7:45:56 PM

Did you know there are just as many benefits from properly insulating your home during the summer as there are during the winter? Insulation can keep your air conditioner working efficiently, which leads to lower bills and energy usage every month.

One area to start with would be your basement or crawlspace. If your house has extreme cooling bills; varying temperatures from room to room; or cold or hot rooms, walls or ceilings, those may be signs that your basement or crawlspace needs some insulation.

Another area of your home that would be enhanced with insulation is your attic. You probably don’t even realize some of the leakiest air is up there. Plus, the warm air in the attic can increase the temperatures in the other rooms of the house. This results in an overactive air conditioner and a higher electric bill.

Insulation can be exceedingly advantageous and, after reading this article, you may be wondering what the next steps are for installation. Let us easily assist you in lowering both your monthly cost and energy usage. We offer rebates for these types of home upgrades with our SaveNow Home Energy Rebate Program.