We all know we should turn off lights when we leave a room or unplug devices when not in use, but how often do we remember to do this? Make using less energy a no-brainer with smart plugs. Here are three ways to put them to good use:
1. Plug in to save energy.
Smart plugs connect to a smartphone app. This allows you to control all plugged-in devices when you're connected to Wi-Fi. This can be especially beneficial when you rush from the house and forget to turn off a light or the TV.
2. Program to manage energy use.
Whether you’re gone for a day (or longer), you can program devices to turn on and off with a timer. This is great when you know you might get home late but want a light on to welcome you home.
3. Stay safe and save energy.
Feel secure knowing they won't let your devices overheat. Smart plugs will switch off power, preventing potential fires.