When it comes to your home, you care about the wellbeing of your loved ones above all else. Fire hazards, gas leaks – they are all in the back of your mind, if not top of mind at times.
Celebrating 75 years of community ownership
Like any good story, CPS Energy’s begins with ‘it was a dark and (maybe not so) stormy night.’ Then, all of a sudden, man-made light brightened Alamo Plaza. The year was 1860, and the energy company has been keeping San Antonio powered up ever since.
Topics: Energy Rebates
Holiday Special - Save $150 on Smart Thermostats!
Black Friday is around the corner and have we got a deal for you. Beginning Friday, November 24 through January 31, 2018 customers can get a $150 bill credit when they purchase a new or own a qualifying thermostat and enroll in our My Thermostat Rewards program. For a list of qualifying thermostats and for more details visit cpsenergy.com/mythermostatrewards.
Topics: Energy Rebates
Energy efficiency is key to ensuring a safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy system for the future. CPS Energy recognizes this and has taken steps to reduce the amount of energy consumed by our customers through our SaveNow programs. The suite of energy efficiency programs described throughout this newsletter were introduced to help our residential customers save energy and money.
These programs have been highly successful in reducing energy usage throughout the CPS Energy service area. In total, customers saved almost 40 million kWh (kilowatt-hours)! What exactly does that mean to you? That is the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emitted by 5,938 cars driven in one year. That’s also a savings equivalency of electricity usage of approximately 2,968 homes for an entire year. For this, CPS Energy and the City of San Antonio says congratulations and thank you!
While the programs collectively yielded tremendous savings, individually, they served a variety of residential customers in greater San Antonio with different needs. For example:
- Casa Verdeoffered income-qualifying customers free weatherization upgrades in more than 2,900 homes.
- The Home Energy Assessment program helped nearly 3,000 homeowners realize an average savings of more than $380 per year through home assessments and installations of LED light bulbs, faucet aerators, showerheads and pipe wrap. Another 8,300 homeowners received kits with these products mailed to their home for self-installation.
- Over 7,300 rebate checks were issued to homeowners that upgraded their central air conditioners, attic insulation and more through the Home Energy Rebate program.
- Nearly 8,500 apartment units across multi-family communities received free energy efficiency measures including LED lighting, faucet aerators and showerheads. Tenants are enjoying reduced energy bills and property owners have a more desirable community to attract new renters.
Have you participated in the CPS Energy SaveNow programs? We are ready to help you save through our offerings for residential customers. Come join us and SaveNow.
Topics: Energy Rebates
Don't Sweat It. Know When to Replace Your AC Unit.
Summertime is a state of mind, filled with both fun and relaxation. Even with all there is to look forward to, there’s always still work to be done. This is the time of year to get those extra to-do items checked off around your house, like appliance maintenance and repairs.
Topics: Air Conditioning, Energy Rebates, Savings Tips