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Cool Down Your Energy Usage This Summer
Topics: Air Conditioning, Savings Tips, Energy Savings, Smart Thermostats
Five Tips to Spring Your Home into Energy Efficiency
Spring is here. Traditionally, it’s the time of year when people thoroughly clean their house and conduct home maintenance and repairs. As you tackle your spring-cleaning list, keep in mind ways you can save energy and lower your utility bills.
Here are five simple tips to make your home more energy efficient:
Topics: Air Conditioning, Savings Tips, Energy Savings, AC Tuneup
Give this tip a spin to feel 5° cooler
Did you know that running a well-placed ceiling fan simultaneously with the air conditioner can make a room feel up to 5 degrees cooler?
Topics: Air Conditioning, Savings Tips, Energy Savings
When you’re contemplating replacing your A/C unit, consider these numerical stats below to help you decide:
10-15: The average lifespan (in years) of an A/C unit.
44: The average percentage of your utility costs from cooling and heating; if you’re paying more than that, you may want to consider a replacement.
Topics: Air Conditioning, Savings Tips
As your thermostat begins its uptick into spring and summer, we’re recommending tips to keep your air conditioner running smoothly. There’s nothing worse than having a nonfunctioning AC unit (or an extremely high electric bill!) when temperatures soar above 90 degrees.
A new cooling system may save you up to 7 percent of your energy usage. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions below, you may want to restore or replace your air conditioner.
Topics: Air Conditioning, Energy Rebates, Savings Tips